Tunnell Vision- August 2019

Thursday, August 15, 2019
GeneralMonthly Community UpdateResidentsTunnell Vision Pot-Nets
Happy August!

Summer is winding down- soak up the last full month of the season!

Jon Peet in our Operations Department caught this fawn running around in the nursery, thinking it was a free salad bar!

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Pot-Nets Communities

July 1962

This was Long Neck's first marina fuel pump,
located at Pot-Nets Dockside!

Join us at the Bayside Ball Field on Tuesday, August 6th starting at 5:00pm toMeet The Pro's. 

John Wagner will be returning for his 3rd year of Sandlot Baseball!  "Wags" is at Citizen's Bank Park with the Phillies this week, running camps for kids. John will be bringing a special surprise for our baseball players... MLB Pro's!Players will receive instruction from the pro's, have a chance to get autographs, and more! 

Camp Day's will be held the following two days, on August 7th and 8th. Younger players will play from 9am to 11am both days, with older players playing from 12pm to 2pm. Gloves and baseball hats will be provided!

Please remember to bring water jugs!

Middle Island is located just to the east of Pot-Nets Seaside, on the way to Massey's Ditch.  This island is frequently used by boaters as a place to beach their boats & enjoy this part of Delaware's back bays.

BUT...  the Island is intended to be a refuge for nesting birds. Please don't beach on the Island, and especially don't approach the nesting areas that are there.

The Center for the Inland Bays takes care of Middle Island, and they are about to install signage to remind us all that we need to protect our fragile ecosystem. A sample of the sign is shown below.

Thank you for your cooperation, and for your help in protecting the environment!

What: CDSHA Annual Picnic  "The Good Old Summertime"
When: Saturday, August 10, 2019 from 11am to 3pm
(RainDate: Sunday, Aug 11)
Where: Seaside Pavilion
Cost: $3 per person (children 10 or younger free)


  • "Shark Week" and "Under The Sea" themed Golf Cart Parade
  • Fried Chicken, Hot Dogs, and BBQ
  • Chicken nuggets & mac-n-cheese for the kids
  • Guests are asked to bring a side or dessert
  • DJ music by Ice Productions
  • Water Slide
  • Door prizes, Chinese auction, 50/50 raffle (yeah... bring money)
  • and more!

Those interested should send checks payable for $3/per person to CDSHA to: Box E6, Pot Nets Seaside, Long Neck DE 19966.

CDSHA 2019 dues must be paid to attend ($15 per household).

We have received many questions about the Labor Day weekend celebration held each year at the Pot-Nets Bayside Beach.

The format & timing of our end of summer celebration is changing this year. There will be no fireworks on Labor Day weekend, and the Bayside Beach will be open as usual.

However... on Saturday, September 14th, there will be the largest fireworks display that Pot-Nets has ever scheduled! The show will be set to music, and will cap off an excellent day!

We will be publishing details about this event very soon. Stay tuned!

Pot-Nets Bayside, LLC is holding a public workshop to solicit public input on the Pot-Nets Road enhancement concept.  The public workshop will be held on August 8, 2019 at the Pot-Nets Lakeside Community Center at 33076 Rock Cove, Long Neck, DE 19966.  The public is invited to attend anytime between 4:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m.
The public workshop will focus on proposed right-of-way changes, additional interconnections along Pot-Nets Road to the Pot-Nets Bayside community, a new gate house location, a new non-resident overflow parking area, additional street-lighting, and upgraded pedestrian facilities to interconnect the Pot-Nets Lakeside, Pot-Nets Bayside, and Pot-Nets Creekside communities.  Attendees will have the opportunity to review concept plans for these improvements, ask questions, and provide comments on the concept plans.
Interested persons are invited to express their views in writing on the proposed project.  Commentswill be received during the workshop or can be mailed to: Lincoln Davis, Tunnell Companies L.P., 34026 Anna’s Way, Long Neck, DE 19966.

We have a limited number of self-storage containers available in the compound at Pot-Nets Bayside.  These are available to Pot-Nets Residents only, at a rate of $75 per month (billed annually).  Each container measures 8-feet wide by 20-feet deep, and has a lockable rollup door and a roof vent.  There is an electric security gate at the entrance to the compound, and you’ll get your own access card to open the gate.

Please call the Front Desk at (302) 945-9300 to get a storage container.

We are honored to announce that Baywood Greens Golf Course was voted Coastal Style Magazine's "Best Golf Course In Sussex County" for 2019!

The Clubhouse At Baywood won TWO awards, taking the title of "Best Wedding Reception Venue In Sussex County", and Rachel Bain voted as "Best Wedding Planner In Sussex County" for 2019!

Thank you to all who voted and to all of the incredible staff working at Baywood to provide a five-star service to all of our customers and residents!

Flounder Pounder Open: August 14-18, 2019

From the tournament website:
We are so thankful for all of the teams who have supported this tournament and participated in the past, YOU are what makes this our favorite time of year! We are excited to share with you the details of the 2019 FLOUNDER POUNDER OPEN, THE LARGEST FLOUNDER TOURNAMENT IN THE WORLD!!!!Every year we try to take it to the next level, and we did just that for you this year as well! We have increased the total price money this year by $65,000.00!!! No, that’s not a typo! We went from $235,000.00 total cash prizes…to $300,000.00!!!!! We increased 3rd-6th place by $5,000.00 each and DOUBLED 7th-10th!!! We didn’t stop there, we made the Optional Daily Calcutta Division have 5 places to win instead of 3 AND increased the prize money! We went from $4,000.00/DAY to $11,000.00/DAY! $55,000.00 TOTAL!!!

For more information, click the image below or click HERE

Here's just a few things we can look forward to this month:

Saturday, Aug 3rd - Bo Dickerson Band (7-11pm @ Beach Stage)
Friday, Aug 9th - Vinny and JD (2-6pm @ Lagoon Stage)
Saturday, Aug 11th - Kristen And The Noise (7-11pm @ Beach Stage)
Sunday, Aug 25th - The Fabulous Greaseband (5:30-9pm @ Beach Stage)
Thursday, Aug 31st - Cocktails At Three (2-6pm @ Lagoon Stage)

Recurring Events:
Wednesdays: Aug 7, 14, 21, 28 - Bobby Lee Jones (6-10pm @ Lagoon Stage)
Thursdays: Aug 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 - Thursday's With Captain Mike (6-10pm @ Lagoon Stage)
Fridays: Aug 2, 9, 16, 22, 30 - The Girlfriends (5-9pm @ Lagoon Stage)
Saturdays: Aug 3, 10, 17, 23 - Indian River Duo (3-7pm @ Raw Stage)
Sundays: Aug 4, 11, 18, 24 - Love Seed Trio (2-6pm @ Lagoon Stage)

Be sure to follow Paradise Grill on Facebook for the most current news on bands, food specials and events.

Come enjoy the best that SoDel Concepts has to offer, in the spectacular venue (and views!) of Baywood.

Coming up this month we have:

August 9th and 23rd:
Live music performed by Mike Garvilla from 5pm to 8pm

August 4th: 
Join us on Sunday, August 4th at 1pm for our floral workshop. Our floral designer will lead you through how to make a simple & elegant tropical floral arrangement.  All supplies & take-away centerpiece included in price!  All participants may order food & drink from the happy hour menu!
Class Subject: Tropical Floral Workshop
$45 per person, Call 302-947-9225 or email [email protected] for any questions and make your reservations today. 

August 10th:

Join us at The Club House at Baywood in Longneck for a fun, mid-summer wine dinner. Local wine expert Karen Clyaton, from Bacchus Importers, will be joining us to educate you on five summer time friendly wines that are ready to drink now. Chef Ryan has put together a beautiful coastal summer menu with all local ingredients. This is a perfect dinner after a long day on the golf course!! Make your reservation now as this will sell out fast!

At night, golf cars are required to use headlights & tail lights.  We understand that drivers may be attempting to reduce drain on batteries by not using lights, but this reduces the visibility of golf cars to other drivers, and increases the risk of accidents.  Please USE YOUR LIGHTS!
Homes are selling quick at Pot-Nets! Here are just a few of the homes that have closed recently:
E-254 Halyard- Bayside

3 Beds/ 2 Bath - 1,352 sq. ft. 

1352 Taylor Drive N- Creekside

4 Beds/ 2.5 Bath - 2,128 sq. ft. 

22 Hermit Lane, Seaside

3 Beds/ 2 Bath - 2,668 sq. ft. 

1107 Colony Drive S- Creekside

2 Beds/ 2 Bath - 1,375 sq. ft. 

Dear Pot-Nets Seaside Residents,

Over the past year, we have received a number of comments and questions about the grass areas at the edges of the marina lagoons.

In 2016 we decided to follow a new direction in landscape management. In Seaside, we have been reducing the amount of "turf lawn" grass, and are phasing in "buffer meadows" around all the private boat slips and some of the marinas. When people think of meadows, they usually think of flowers, such as an annual wildflower mix. People note the exceptional beauty of these types of plantings during the first year, but do not understand the time, work and expense that goes into maintaining these types of plantings so that following years have equal beauty. DelDOT learned this lesson too: in earlier years their annual wildflower plantings had bright "runway" strips of pink cosmos which were exciting to look at initially, but were found to not be sustainable and soon looked out of place.

Compared to natural habitats such as meadows, turf lawns are nearly void of biological diversity. Our new program includes both non-native and native stands of grasses and/or perennials that are beautiful, sustainable, and diverse. From the time of seeding, it will take 2-3 years for a buffer stand to establish. In that time, we will do our best to keep these areas looking their best until they become self-sustaining. Mowing will occur 1-2 times a year. The grasses that have been selected are a short grass species, with most species topping out around 2-feet tall.

We started this project in 2016. In some areas where we seeded, we missed the ideal timing window and the seed mix didn't take. These areas looked terrible this year, and I understand why residents are not happy looking at these areas. We recently sprayed the weeds in these areas, and will be raking and seeding again this fall. 

Water is a precious resource everywhere, including lower Delaware. Water emergency situations including drought come and go, but the fact is that we must learn to conserve water. Turf lawn is a high-maintenance ground cover. It takes over 27,000 gallons of water per week per acre to maintaina healthy turf lawn. Pot-Nets Seaside Marina areas measure over 4 acres and could consume close to 500,000 gallons of water per month if we were to cover these areas in turf lawn and irrigated them routinely. This does not include the time and materials it takes to mow, fertilize and spray pesticides. Sometimes, grass clippings and stone throwing by mowers can occur on the dock and boats near these turf lawn areas, which causes headaches for our residents and staff. In addition, turf lawn areas that are mowed still allow runoff from rain to escape more easily than areas that are left to grow naturally. This runoff carries fertilizers and pollutants into the bays, which are bad for marine life. However, natural or buffer meadows reduce runoff significantly more than mowed turf, and capture the water for infiltration rather than running down the street and into the catch basin. In flood-prone areas, slowing down the water and runoff with taller stands of grasses can also help prevent soil erosion.

While "sustainability" may be the buzz word of the new century, managing the landscape as a stable and productive ecosystem that conserves the physical and biological processes occurring on that landscape is the best way to ensure future generations will have the same environment we grew up with or a better one. 

We appreciate your questions!

Cameron Marcelle
Director Of Landscaping

492 Bay Pointe
4 Bedroom, 4.5 Bath
Occupancy: 10
$535 per night
Available August 11-17, 2019.
Book 492 Bay Pointe
522 Ever Dream
4 Bedroom, 4.5 Bath
Occupancy: 10
$564 per night
Available August 18-24, 2019.
Book 522 Ever Dream
Use of Lift Chairs: Our staff is happy to instruct userson the use of the new Lift Chairs.  However, users of the equipment must be able to transition (or lift) themselves into and out of the Lift Chairs unassisted, or must have the assistance of a family member or friend.  Our staff is unable to lift or transition users due to the risk of slips or falls.

Hours Of Operation:
Bayside #1: 10am to 6pm
Bayside #2: 12pm to 8pm
Seaside: 10am to 6pm (except Tuesdays are 12pm to 8pm)
Creekside: 10am to 6pm
Lakeside 10am to 6pm (except Wednesdays are 12pm to 8pm)

"I appreciate that you and Mr. Tunnell got on this issue right away. It shows that you care about what people have to say. We love our home here and appreciate the efforts Mr. Tunnell and the Tunnell Companies put forth to make the properties enjoyable and safe for everyone. As a side note...I am waiting patiently for that third 9 to be completed. With thanks,"
- Ron, Pot-Nets Creekside Resident

"First, thanks for Nancy up at the beach on weekends, its much nicer and a lot of residents remarked on that too.  Too funny she didn't even want to let the band in."

- Rhonda, Pot-Nets Bayside Resident

"We rented the Beautiful Bay Pointe. This is our 3rd time in the house and they make it very hard to leave. We’ve rented another house there too but Bay Pointe is our favorite. Always spotless and the staff is always ready to help with any problems. Which for us was a lightning strike that made our auto garage door not open. There was someone there to fix it within 25 minutes or so. The residents of Pot-Nets are the friendliest people around. Retirement will be in Pot-Nets for sure. We love everything about it. And so do all our grand kids. It’s a pet, family, kid friendly environment. Family living at its best."

- Tammy, Vacation Rental Guest

"You are so fortunate to have Michael [Byrne] working at Pot-Nets, he is efficient and hardworking. I have had interaction with a lot of Pot-Nets employees over the course of my residence and have never had such a pleasant experience."

-Jean, Pot-Nets Resident

"You completed a landscaping job between my house and the property next door. Awesome job and thanks for the great work."

-Jim, Pot-Nets Bayside Resident

"I want to thank you for getting that chair installed in the pool. Whoever finished the job even called my wife to let her know it was done so she could get in the pool. "

-Pot-Nets Bayside Resident
Bayside Trash Collection Schedule
Coveside / Creekside / Dockside Trash Collection Schedule
Seaside Trash Collection Schedule
Lakeside Trash Collection Schedule
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