Tunnell Vision- April 2020

Wednesday, April 15, 2020
GeneralMonthly Community UpdateResidentsTunnell Vision Pot-Nets
April 2020
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Pot-Nets Communities

"It had always been my dream and goal to enhance the beach area at Pot-Nets. In the 60's , I couldn't talk Melvin Joseph into bringing in a bulldozer during the extreme low/low tides which usually occurred in March. He was afraid that the salt water would do more damage and harm to his bulldozer than it would be worth. I wanted to have him back out as far as he could and bulldoze the sand forward to enlarge the beach area. During the late 80's and early 90's, Rob spoke with 4 or 5 environmental engineering consultants about obtaining a permit from DNREC to enhance the beach. No one said it could be done and would not attempt to get a permit. Finally, Rob met with Ed Fulford from Andrews-Miller & Associates out ofEaston, MD. He had many clients on the Chesapeake Bay doing what we wanted to have done. It was in March of about 1990, since Rob had not been successful with anyone when he asked "can you get us a permit?". He didn't ask Ed Fulford "if" he could get a permit, he asked "how long would it take to get a permit". Ed's response was 6-months. We actually received the permit in 7-months!! This was a test pilot for DNREC and the Corp of Engineers. No one had privately asked for such a permit in the State of Delaware."
- Robert W. Tunnell, Sr.
Some very useful information has been coming in from our elected representatives, which provides great tips and resources for Delaware residents.

You can click the buttons below to subscribe to e-mail updates from Senator Pettyjohn & Representative Ruth Briggs-King. 

State Senator Brian Pettyjohn
State Representative Ruth Briggs King
Governor Carney will give a COVID-19 briefing at 1:00 p.m. The Governor will be joined by Dr. Karyl Rattay, Director of the Division of Public Health, and AJ Schall, Director of the Delaware Emergency Management Agency.

Watch at 1:00 p.m. on Facebook or de.gov/coronavirus

COVID-19 Press Briefing Livestream
The Delaware State Housing Authority (DSHA) is offering emergency housing assistance to Delawareans who are experiencing financial hardships as a result of COVID-19. 

Eligible households are eligible for up to $1,500 in assistance, with payments made directly to the property owner or utility company. For more information, and to check eligibility, please visit the link below.

Delaware Housing Assistance Program (DE HAP)
Please bear with us as we continue to work on the storm drains near Half Shell & Canvasback Roads. Please drive with caution through this area, and watch for the signs and traffic controls.
Creekside Pool renovations are still underway, we are optimistic that we will be able to open the pools at the regularly scheduled date.

We will notify you if this date changes or is postponed. 

The Pot-Nets Landscaping crew has been busy in Seaside adding a new bulkhead and beachgrass to Sunset Strip!
Facebook Live Entertainment with Captain Mike
Sunday, April 5 - 12pm - 3pm

Join us on Facebook from 12:00 to 1:15 on Sunday for Brunch For Beebe! Captain Mike will be returning live on our Facebook page playing your favorite music! We can all enjoy live music and still practice social distancing while helping raise money to help fight COVID-19.

A direct Venmo link will be available, with ALL proceeds going directly to Beebe's COVID-19 Fund! Specials are featured below:

Choice 1- $10.99 Brunch
Bacon egg and cheese or sausage egg and cheese on a homemade buttermilk biscuit accompanied by an orange or grapefruit crush or Bloody Mary (Pick either a crush or Bloody Mary, 1 drink per brunch special)
Choice 2- $10.99 Brunch
Chicken & Waffle sandwich. accompanied by an orange or grapefruit crush or Bloody Mary (Pick either a crush or Bloody Mary, 1 drink per brunch special)
302-945-0500 / Curbside Pickup / ID required for specials featuring alcohol
The Crushes and Bloody Mary are ONLY AVAILABLE Sunday for the Brunch For Beebe event, not before.

This will only be on our Facebook page, no one is allowed in the pub besides employees working.

As we continue to deal with the effects from COVID-19, Paradise Pub is limited to carry-out only. 

In these trying times, Paradise Grill has been working diligently to support the Paradise staff who is currently out of work or on reduced hours. 

Apparel & coupon calendars are available on their website with all proceeds benefiting their employees. For more information, click the button below.

Paradise Grill Shop
The Clubhouse at Baywood Greens is currently closed due to COVID-19. Slicers snack bar is currently open on limited hours.

Please contact the Baywood Greens Pro-Shop at 302-947-9800 for hours. 


Looking for a new (or new to you) home? Check out some of our personal favorites!
2894 Castaway Circle, Lakeside
Vaulted Ceilings!

3 Beds/ 2 Bath - 1,680 sq. ft. 

Click the image to learn more!

11 Terrapin Road, Seaside
3-2-1 Special!

3 Beds/ 2 Bath - 2,160 sq. ft. 

Click the image to learn more!

Homes are selling quick at Pot-Nets! Here are just a few of the homes that have closed recently:
I-1 Island Drive- Bayside
3 Beds/ 2.5 Bath - 2,440 sq. ft. 

Click the image to learn more!

31 West Mallard Road, Dockside
2 Beds/ 2 Bath - 1,056 sq. ft. 

Click the image to learn more!

Starting on Monday, April 6th, we have a limited number of self-storage containers available in the compound at Pot-Nets Bayside.  These are available for rent at the rate of $75 per month (billed annually, or prorated to end of the current year).  Each container measures 8-feet wide by 20-feet deep, and has a lockable roll-up door and an air vent.  There is an electric security gate at the entrance to the compound, and you’ll get your own access card to open the gate.

You can call our Front Desk at (302) 945-9300 to get your storage container.

Plant Picks - Three Native Plants 
By Cameron Marcelle
I’ll have to admit, I’m biased when it comes to picking some of my favorite plants.  I like plants that are attractive and tough.  In trying to put into words what makes a plant attractive, it could be any number of things.  Flowers are usually what people love, beautiful, fragrant, long lasting flowers or a combination of these traits are even better, and I love flowers too.  I also like the shape or form of some plants better than others.  A solid sphere of evergreen foliage, the graceful arching of an ornamental grass or an upright cone can be useful as well.  Fall color, fruit, seedheads, texture, pollinator relationships, nativity and the overall color of plant can also make it an attractive option.  But as I write this, I think listing attractive and tough separately was a mistake.  A tough plant makes a plant attractive as well.  So, maybe I’ll just say I like attractive plants.  To narrow down the field I’ve chosen to list a few native plants.

So, What is a native plant? For me, a native plant is a plant that occurs naturally in the place where it evolved. 

1. Itea virginica or Virginia sweetspire  - a mound shaped deciduous shrub that grows up to 8’ tall.  Small, white flowers bloom in 4-inch spires that droop with the arching branches in late spring to early summer.  The flowers open from base to tip, so it appears to bloom for quite a long time.  And the leaves turn from a nice green color to reds and purples in the fall and hold on the plant for a good amount of time.  It’s best used in mass.

Itea virginica has more than a few cultivars, usually about fall color and overall size of the plant.  It’s a great plant for a lot of different places.  It will tolerate shade, even heavy shade, and can tolerate drier areas as well but really loves a good amount of sun and water.  If it’s planted in a spot with even moisture, it can thrive.  There aren't too many pest to be concerned about, however, we have had a problem with Japanese Maple Scale on this plant.  You may find some holes in the leaves from time to time but nothing that will kill the plant.  If you have this plant and it looks really rough by the end of the season, the problem is probably cultural, and the plants are stressed out.  These plants do better if the soil pH is more on the acidic side.

2. Clethra alnifolia or Summersweet or Pepperbush - is a narrow, 6-12 ft., deciduous shrub, which often spreads into mounded clumps.  Like Virginia Sweetspire, it can form a colony or large patch.  With spreading plants like Clethra and Itea, a lot of people will make the mistake of trying to pull or spray with weed killer, the spreading sprouts of these plants and stop them from what they want to do naturally, don’t do this.  Let them grow into each other.  Clethra alnifolia, the taller forms, are great plants for smaller, more narrow spaces where you need something tall, but that won’t spread too wide. 

Beds in between the drive and the home are an example, or it can be grown in a larger space in the landscape on its own. There are many cultivars that range from less than 3’ tall to its full size.  It has spike-like, upright clusters of fragrant white flowers in late summer when the need for flowers is at its highest.  The dense, narrow, cylindric flower spikes are often clustered together at branch ends and are followed by brown capsules which persist through winter.  The shrub has simple, oval, toothed leaves which turn dull yellow to orange in fall and provides, in my opinion, a great show.  

This shrub is remarkably free of any disease, insect, or physiological problems. Its dry fruiting capsules remain long after flowering and help identify this plant in winter.  It can be found growing naturally in most of our communities.

3. Fothergilla or Witch Alder – This genus or category of plants which I refer to by their scientific name of Fothergilla, is a member of the Witch-Hazel family and have only two species, Fothergilla Major and Fothergilla Gardenia, both of which are native to southeastern North America.  There is also a hybrid of the two, Fothergilla X Intermedia, which has numerous cultivars as well. 

Because of the two different species, Major and Gardenia, they do naturally occur in different regions of our country.  Fothergilla Major, called Large or Mountain Fothergilla, comes from higher elevations in the mountains of southeastern United States.  Fothergilla Gardenia, called Dwarf or Coastal Fothergilla, is restricted to the coastal plain of the southeastern United States.  All three plants will grow here, however, the hybrid intermedia and the Coastal Fothergilla I found to be better growers for us. 

Coastal Fothergilla is a small, mound-shaped shrub to 3 ft. tall with crooked, multiple stems. The flower, appearing as a mass of stamens, is white and occurs in spring before the leaves appear in thimble-like terminal spikes. Dense, dark green, leathery foliage becomes bright yellow to scarlet-red in fall.  This plant likes sun to part shade, a soil pH that is slightly acidic, and one that is well drained.  It is very disease and insect resistant and fits well in a woodland garden of azaleas and rhododendrons.  It does not like very dry sites.

To get the best floral and fall foliage display, give Fothergillas as much sunshine as possible.

"I just wanted to give a thumbs-up to Jeff from Cypress Tree Care. He did a great job on the tree at my home and with clean up. He's also a very nice person!"
- Joan, Pot-Nets Lakeside Resident
"Thank you so very much for trimming our trees surrounding our home this week. What a difference and a relief !! Every worker [Edgar Velasquez, Jesse Guzman, Tom McCoy, and Aaron Kemp] was professional and very pleasant, and theclean up amazing and greatly appreciated. Again thank you. Well done!" 
- Linda, Cypress Tree Care Customer
Bayside Trash Collection Schedule
Coveside / Creekside / Dockside Trash Collection Schedule
Seaside Trash Collection Schedule
Lakeside Trash Collection Schedule
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